September 26, 2014

Mumpreneur's The Word

We've come a long way since the 1950's when the only business mothers engaged in was the business of child rearing and housework, leaving their menfolk to head out into the world of commerce, tasked with bringing home the bacon. At first it may seem as though the modern mum can have it all but juggling running a home, raising children and growing a business can leave her overwhelmed and under-achieving.

Mother's Little Helper

Help is at hand. The Mumpreneur Support Network, our featured business this week on Kickstart Your Business, was set up by Mairead Kelly, a business coach and mentor who, through her own practice, discovered that female entrpreneurs face very different challenges than their male counterparts. Her dedicated support network is exclusively for 'mumpreneurs' to help them succeed in balancing the various demands their distinctive role places on them.

Mother Knows Best

As Gerard pointed out on the show last night, it's very easy for the conversation to turn to the challenges of entrepreneurs in general and there is already plenty of expert support for entrepreneurs  available from organisations like Enterprise Ireland.

Mairead needs to position herself clearly as a specialist who understands the specific challenges of her target market. That core message must be communicated explicitly and consistently through her website and other marketing resources.

Over To You

What information might Mairead display on her website to ensure her core message is communicated clearly? Listen back to the show on Kickstart Your Business and let us know what you think. 

We'd love to hear from you.

(Kickstart Your Business is broadcast live on The Right Hook on Newstalk106 in Ireland every Thursday at 6.40pm and is available on Playback)

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