September 19, 2006

Worth Its Wait In Gold?

I've just signed up to what its promoters insist will be this year's most exclusive and unique reading experience (mind you, you could argue that every reading experience is both exclusive and unique, apart perhaps from read-aloud, but I nitpick...).

The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters is a "sumptuous Victorian adventure fit for our digital age" which is to be published in ten installments and posted directly to me over ten weeks. Subscription is limited to 5,000 worldwide and I'm guessing that Penguin hope this exclusivity will prompt a frenzy of interest amongst readers across the world.

My own interest is mostly in getting to read a story in serial form, much as the readers of Dickens & other Victorian writers first read some of the great novels of the day. We are promised an 'utterly compelling gothic adventure story'. Will it deliver? Check in with me sometime after October 16th when the first installment is issued and I'll have one great wait lifted off my shoulders.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gerard - did the first installment arrive yet? I'm intrigued!

Gerard Tannam said...

Great to hear from you. No sign of it yet – but I’m badgering the postman and will keep you posted.